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e4defrag: Print errors and the fragmentation count before and after each file.
$ e4defrag -v ${-dev-sdXN}
try on your machine

The command e4defrag -v ${-dev-sdXN} performs a defragmentation on a specific Ext4 filesystem partition on a Linux system. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • e4defrag: This is the command-line tool used for defragmenting Ext4 filesystems.
  • -v: It is an option that specifies the verbose mode. When enabled, it provides more detailed information about the defragmentation process while it is being executed.
  • ${-dev-sdXN}: This is a placeholder for the specific partition to be defragmented. Replace ${-dev-sdXN} with the actual path of the Ext4 filesystem you want to defragment.

Here's what each part of ${-dev-sdXN} represents:

  • ${-}: This is used to indicate that the following text is a variable or placeholder.
  • dev: It represents the device or disk where the partition is located. For example, if the partition is on /dev/sda1, you would replace ${dev} with sda.
  • sdXN: The X refers to the specific disk identifier (e.g., a, b, c, etc.), and N represents the partition number. If the partition you want to defragment is, for instance, /dev/sda4, you would replace ${sdXN} with sda4.

So, to use this command, you would replace ${-dev-sdXN} with the actual path of the Ext4 filesystem partition you want to defragment, such as /dev/sda4.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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