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ed: Start an interactive editor session with an empty document and without diagnostics, byte counts and '!' prompt.
$ ed -s
try on your machine

The command "ed -s" is used to open the ed editor in silent mode.

The "ed" command itself is a text editor that works in line mode, meaning it reads a file and operates on individual lines of text. It is a simple and lightweight editor commonly used in Unix-like operating systems.

The "-s" option in the command stands for "silent mode". When the ed editor is launched with this option, it suppresses the feedback or interactive prompts that would normally be displayed to the user. This means that any output or error messages will not be shown on the terminal screen.

Using "ed -s" is useful when you need to perform non-interactive editing operations, especially in scripting or automated processes. It allows you to edit or process files without any interruptions or user input, making it suitable for batch operations or when you want to script a series of edits to a file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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