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eget: Specify a `git` tag instead of using the latest version.
$ eget ${zyedidia-micro} --tag=${v2-0-10}
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be using a combination of different syntax elements.

  1. The ${zyedidia-micro} part represents variable substitution in some shell/command line interfaces. It suggests that the value of the zyedidia-micro variable will be inserted at that position in the command. However, based on the context, it appears to be intended as the command name itself.

  2. The --tag=${v2-0-10} part indicates the usage of command-line options or arguments. In this case, it suggests that --tag is an option and ${v2-0-10} represents the value to be passed for that option. Again, it seems to be using variable substitution where the value of the v2-0-10 variable will be inserted.

Overall, the command is attempting to run a command or program named ${zyedidia-micro} with the --tag option and value ${v2-0-10}. However, it's worth noting that the command you provided is not entirely clear or syntactically correct, as it appears to mix up variable substitution and command-line arguments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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