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eget: Only download the asset, skipping extraction.
$ eget ${zyedidia-micro} --download-only
try on your machine

The command "eget ${zyedidia-micro} --download-only" is using the "eget" command to download the software package named "zyedidia-micro" without installing it.

Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • "eget": It is likely a command-line tool or script that is used to interact with some package management system or repository.
  • "${zyedidia-micro}": This is a variable or placeholder enclosed in curly braces. The actual value of this variable is likely the name or identifier of the "zyedidia-micro" package.
  • "--download-only": This is a flag or option passed to the "eget" command. It instructs the command to only download the package without performing any further installation steps.

Overall, the command is fetching the "zyedidia-micro" package from a repository or source specified by the "eget" command, but instead of installing it, it only downloads the package to the local system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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