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einfo: Print all database names.
$ einfo -dbs
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The command "einfo -dbs" is used in the Gentoo Linux operating system to display a list of available software packages from Portage, the package management system used in Gentoo.

Here's how the command works:

  1. "einfo" is a command specific to Gentoo Linux that provides system information or metadata about packages.
  2. "-dbs" is an option or flag passed to the "einfo" command. In this case, it instructs "einfo" to display information about the available software packages from the Portage package database.

When you run the "einfo -dbs" command, it queries the Portage package database and retrieves a list of available packages along with some metadata. The information displayed often includes the package name, version, upstream website, description, and maintainer.

This command can be useful for Gentoo users who want to explore the available software packages, check their version numbers, and read their descriptions before deciding which ones to install on their system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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