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eject: Toggle whether a device's tray is open or closed.
$ eject -T ${-dev-cdrom}
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This command is used to open or close the CD/DVD tray of a disc drive on a UNIX or Linux system. Here's an explanation of the components:

  • "eject" is the command itself, which is used to control the disc drive.
  • "-T" is an option that specifies to toggle the tray, meaning it will either open or close the CD/DVD tray, depending on its current state.
  • "${-dev-cdrom}" is a placeholder representing the path to the CD/DVD drive device file. The actual path may vary depending on the system configuration, but it commonly starts with "/dev/cdrom" or "/dev/dvd". The "-dev-cdrom" in the placeholder needs to be replaced with the appropriate file name or path in order for the command to work.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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