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electron-packager: Package an application for all architectures and platforms.
$ electron-packager "${path-to-app}" "${app_name}" --all
try on your machine

This command is using the electron-packager tool to package an Electron application. Here's a breakdown of its components:

  • electron-packager: It is a command-line tool that helps in bundling Electron applications into executables or installers for different platforms.
  • "${path-to-app}": It is a placeholder for the path to the directory where your Electron application's source code and other necessary files are located. You need to replace this placeholder with the actual path to your application.
  • "${app_name}": It is a placeholder for the desired name of the bundled application. You should replace this placeholder with the desired name for your application.
  • --all: It is an option that specifies to package the application for all available platforms. This includes creating executables for the current platform as well as other supported platforms (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux). By using this option, the Electron application will be packaged for all platforms simultaneously.

When you execute this command, electron-packager will package your Electron application using the provided path and app_name, creating executables or installers for all available platforms.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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