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elink: Search nucleotide then find related biosamples.
$ esearch -db nuccore -query "${insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]}" | elink -target biosample
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This command performs a search in the NCBI database (nuccore) using the esearch tool. It searches for records that contain the term "insulin" in the protein field and the term "rodents" in the organism field. The search query is specified using the syntax "${insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]}".

The output of the esearch command is then piped (|) to the elink tool, which is used to establish links between different NCBI database entries. In this case, the elink command is used with the "-target biosample" parameter to retrieve information from the biosample database related to the search results obtained from the esearch command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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