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ember: Build the project in production mode.
$ ember build -prod
try on your machine

The command "ember build -prod" is used in the Ember.js framework to build a production-ready version of your application.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "ember": This is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Ember.js framework. It allows you to interact with your Ember.js project and run various commands.
  • "build": This is one of the commands available in the Ember CLI. It is used to compile your application's code and assets into a distributable format.
  • "-prod": This is a flag or option passed to the "build" command. It stands for "production" and indicates that the build process should optimize your application for production deployment.

When you run the "ember build -prod" command, Ember CLI will perform several tasks to create a production build:

  1. It will compile and bundle all the JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files of your application into a single or multiple optimized files. This helps reduce the number of requests needed to load your application in the browser, leading to faster page loads.

  2. It will minify and uglify the JavaScript code, making it smaller and more difficult to read or reverse-engineer.

  3. It will optimize CSS and remove unused styles, resulting in smaller file sizes and improved performance.

  4. It may perform additional optimizations specific to Ember.js, like tree-shaking (removing unused code) and code splitting (loading only the necessary parts of your application on demand).

The end result of running "ember build -prod" is a production-ready build that you can deploy to a web server or a hosting platform. This build will be optimized for performance and reduced file sizes, making your application load faster for end-users.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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