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List of commands for encfs:

  • encfs:tldr:276b6 encfs: Initialize an encrypted filesystem with standard settings.
    $ encfs --standard ${-path-to-cipher_dir} ${-path-to-mount_point}
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  • encfs:tldr:92509 encfs: Mount an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory.
    $ encfs --reverse ${path-to-plain_dir} ${path-to-cipher_dir}
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  • encfs:tldr:aedb1 encfs: Run encfs in the foreground instead of spawning a daemon.
    $ encfs -f ${-path-to-cipher_dir} ${-path-to-mount_point}
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  • encfs:tldr:c94ea encfs: Initialize or mount an encrypted filesystem.
    $ encfs ${-path-to-cipher_dir} ${-path-to-mount_point}
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