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entr: Run a command with the changed file (`/_`) as an argument.
$ ${ls *-sql} | entr ${psql -f} /_
try on your machine

This is actually not a valid command syntax. It seems you have mixed up different commands and not followed the correct syntax for pipeline.

Let me break it down and explain the elements you used:

  1. ${ls *-sql}: This is not a valid command. It seems like you tried to use the ls command with a wildcard *-sql to list files with a suffix "-sql". However, wrapping it with ${} is unnecessary and incorrect syntax.

  2. |: The pipe symbol | is used in a command-line interface to pass the output of one command as input to another command. It creates a pipeline for data flow between them.

  3. entr: This is a command-line tool used to continuously monitor files and directories for changes, and then execute a command when a change occurs. However, in your command, it is positioned incorrectly after the pipe symbol.

  4. ${psql -f} /_: This is again not a valid syntax. It seems like you wanted to run the psql command with the -f option to specify a file, and then provide the file path "/_" as an argument for that file. However, wrapping it with ${} is unnecessary and incorrect syntax.

To provide a valid explanation or correct the command, please provide further information on what you are trying to achieve or the specific commands you want to use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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