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env: Set multiple variables and run a program.
$ env ${variable1}=${value} ${variable2}=${value} ${variable3}=${value} ${program}
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This command sets multiple environment variables and runs a program.

Here's how it works:

  • env is a command used to run a program in a modified environment. It allows you to set environment variables before launching the program.
  • ${variable1}=${value} sets variable1 to the given value in the environment.
  • ${variable2}=${value} sets variable2 to the given value in the environment.
  • ${variable3}=${value} sets variable3 to the given value in the environment.

These lines set the values of three different variables in the environment.

  • ${program} is the program you want to run with the modified environment. It can be replaced with the actual program command you want to execute.

Overall, this command sets the specified environment variables to the given values and then runs the specified program with the modified environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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