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env: Show the environment.
$ env
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The command "env" is a command-line utility for Unix-like operating systems. It is short for "environment" and is used to display or manipulate the current environment variables.

Environment variables are dynamic values stored in the operating system that can affect the behavior of processes and programs. They are typically used to store configuration settings or provide information to programs.

When executed without any arguments, the "env" command displays a list of all the current environment variables and their values. This can be useful for troubleshooting, understanding the environment in which a program is running, or for scripting purposes.

The "env" command can also be used to run a command in a modified environment by specifying environment variables before the command. The syntax for this is:

env VARIABLE=value

This allows you to temporarily set or modify environment variables for a specific command, without affecting the global environment.

Overall, the "env" command is a versatile tool for managing and inspecting the environment variables in a Unix-like operating system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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