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esa-snap: Display help.
$ snap --help
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The command "snap --help" is used to display the help information and a list of available options and subcommands for the snap command in a terminal or command-line interface.

When executed, it will provide a brief overview of the snap command along with a list of common options that can be used with it. These options can be used to modify the behavior of the snap command.

The help information usually includes details on how to use the snap command, what it does, and how to interpret its output. It may also provide examples of common usage scenarios and explain any limitations or dependencies.

By using the --help option, you can quickly reference the available functionality and usage instructions without having to consult external documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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