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esearch: Search the protein database using a query and regexp.
$ esearch -db ${protein} -query ${'Escherichia*'}
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The command "esearch" is a command for searching a specific database using specific query terms.

The options of this command are as follows:

  • "-db ${protein}": This option specifies the database to search. The value of "${protein}" could be a placeholder representing a variable that contains the name or identifier of the protein database to search.
  • "-query ${'Escherichia'}": This option specifies the query term or terms to search for in the specified database. The value of "${'Escherichia'}" could be a placeholder representing a variable that contains the query term, in this case, "Escherichia*", which is a wildcard search term used to find any term starting with "Escherichia".

Overall, the command "esearch -db ${protein} -query ${'Escherichia*'}" is used to search a protein database for any term that starts with "Escherichia".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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