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esearch: Search the nucleotide database for sequences whose metadata contain insulin and rodents.
$ esearch -db nuccore -query "${insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]}"
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The esearch command is used in the NCBI E-utilities tool to search for specific records in a particular database. In this case, the command is searching the database "nuccore" using a query formulated with certain search terms.

The query being used is: "${insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]}"

Here is a breakdown of the different parts of the query:

  1. ${insulin [PROT]}: This part represents the search term "insulin" with a [PROT] tag, which indicates that the search is limited to the protein sequence of insulin. This ensures that only protein data related to insulin will be retrieved.

  2. AND: This is a logical operator used to combine search terms. In this case, it is used to narrow down the search results by specifying that the records must contain both the term "insulin" and the term "rodents".

  3. rodents [ORGN]: This part represents the search term "rodents" with an [ORGN] tag, which indicates that the search is limited to the organisms classified as rodents. This allows for a more specific search, focusing only on record entries related to rodents.

By combining these different elements, the esearch command will search the "nuccore" database using the specified query and retrieve records that contain insulin protein sequences within organisms classified as rodents.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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