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eslint: Lint one or more files.
$ eslint ${filename1-js filename2-js ---}
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The command you provided appears to be a template for running the eslint tool with one or more JavaScript file names.

Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • ${filename1-js}: This is a placeholder for the first JavaScript file name you want to lint using ESLint. Replace ${filename1-js} with the actual name of the file (e.g., index.js).
  • ${filename2-js}: This is a placeholder for the second JavaScript file name, if you want to lint multiple files at once. You can continue this pattern and add more placeholders (e.g., ${filename3-js}, ${filename4-js}) for additional files.
  • eslint: This is the command to run the ESLint tool.
  • ---: This is an optional delimiter used to separate the filenames passed to ESLint. It helps differentiate the end of options from the start of filenames in case any filenames begin with a hyphen -.

To use this command, replace ${filename1-js} and ${filename2-js} (and additional placeholders if needed) with the actual file names you want to lint using ESLint. Then execute the command in your terminal or command prompt to run ESLint on the specified JavaScript files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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