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eslint: Fix lint issues.
$ eslint --fix
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The command eslint --fix is used to automatically fix issues identified by the ESLint tool in a codebase.

ESLint is a popular JavaScript linter that helps identify and report patterns and coding errors in JavaScript code. It enforces a set of rules defined in a configuration file (.eslintrc or package.json) and provides suggestions for improving the code quality and maintaining coding standards.

The --fix flag in the command indicates that ESLint should attempt to automatically fix the issues it can. When you run eslint --fix in the terminal, ESLint analyzes the JavaScript files in the specified directory or project and attempts to fix any errors or warnings that have autofixable solutions. It updates the code to adhere to the rules defined in the configuration.

By using this command, you can save time by automatically applying fixes to your code based on the best practices and guidelines set by ESLint. However, please note that not all issues can be automatically fixed, and manual intervention may still be required for some cases. It is always a good idea to review the changes made by ESLint to ensure they do not introduce new issues or unwanted changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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