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List of commands for etcdctl:

  • etcdctl:tldr:272d3 etcdctl: Delete a key-value pair.
    $ etcdctl del ${my-key}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:3807f etcdctl: Save a snapshot of the etcd keystore.
    $ etcdctl snapshot save ${path-to-snapshot-db}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:3e6ee etcdctl: Store a key-value pair, reading the value from a file.
    $ etcdctl put ${my-file} < ${filename-txt}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:4afd4 etcdctl: Watch a key for changes.
    $ etcdctl watch ${my-key}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:7fc73 etcdctl: Add a user.
    $ etcdctl user add ${my_user}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:87fb5 etcdctl: Restore a snapshot of an etcd keystore (restart the etcd server afterwards).
    $ etcdctl snapshot restore ${path-to-snapshot-db}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:a6167 etcdctl: Display the value associated with a specified key.
    $ etcdctl get ${my-key}
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  • etcdctl:tldr:e9100 etcdctl: Store a key-value pair.
    $ etcdctl put ${my-key} ${my_value}
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