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List of commands for ethtool:

  • ethtool:ai:09708 determine speed of ethernet port
    $ ethtool eth0 | grep Speed
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  • ethtool:tldr:2282b ethtool: Display all supported features for an interface.
    $ ethtool --show-features ${eth0}
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  • ethtool:tldr:369bb ethtool: Set the link speed, duplex mode, and parameter auto-negotiation for a given interface.
    $ ethtool -s ${eth0} speed ${select} duplex ${select1} autoneg ${select2}
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  • ethtool:tldr:8074d ethtool: Blink one or more LEDs on an interface for 10 seconds.
    $ ethtool --identify ${eth0} ${10}
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  • ethtool:tldr:ca661 ethtool: Display the current settings for an interface.
    $ ethtool ${eth0}
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  • ethtool:tldr:cbb92 ethtool: Display the driver information for an interface.
    $ ethtool --driver ${eth0}
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  • ethtool:tldr:e3225 ethtool: Display the network usage statistics for an interface.
    $ ethtool --statistics ${eth0}
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