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evil-winrm: Connect to a host, passing the password hash.
$ evil-winrm --ip ${ip} --user ${user} --hash ${nt_hash}
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be using the tool "evil-winrm" for remote command execution on a Windows system. Here's a breakdown of its components:

  • evil-winrm: This is the tool's name that is being executed from the command line.
  • --ip ${ip}: This flag is used to specify the target IP address. The ${ip} placeholder suggests that it expects a variable holding an IP address to be inserted there.
  • --user ${user}: This flag allows you to specify the username or account name used for authentication when connecting to the target system. Once again, ${user} implies that a variable containing the desired username needs to be substituted.
  • --hash ${nt_hash}: This flag is used to provide the NT hash (also known as NTLM hash) of a password for authentication rather than the actual password itself. The ${nt_hash} placeholder indicates that a variable with the NT hash value needs to be included here.

In summary, this command is being used to connect remotely to a Windows machine using a specified IP address, username, and NT hash for authentication. Note that you need to replace the ${ip}, ${user}, and ${nt_hash} placeholders with actual values to make the command functional.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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