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exenv: Show the currently selected Elixir version.
$ exenv ${version}
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This command is using a shell environment variable called exenv with the value of ${version}.

In most shell environments, such as Bash or Zsh, a variable name is denoted by a dollar sign followed by curly braces {}. In this command, ${version} is a variable substitution, where the value of the version variable is expected to be used in place of ${version}.

For example, if you have defined a variable version with the value of 1.2.3 earlier in the script, and you run the command exenv ${version}, it will be interpreted as exenv 1.2.3. The actual effect or outcome of the exenv command would depend on what exenv does with the provided version argument.

Overall, this command is using a shell variable to pass the value of version as an argument to the exenv command or function.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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