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exenv: Use a specific version of Elixir for the current application/project directory.
$ exenv local ${version}
try on your machine

The command exenv local ${version} is used to set a specific version of Elixir as the local version for the current project.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • exenv: This is a command-line utility called exenv, which is used to manage multiple versions of Elixir on a single system. It allows you to switch between different versions of Elixir effortlessly.
  • local: This is an exenv command that sets the local version of Elixir for the current project. By setting a local Elixir version, you specify which version of Elixir should be used when running the project locally.
  • ${version}: This is a placeholder that represents the specific Elixir version you want to set as the local version. You would replace ${version} with the actual version number, such as 1.10.4.

By running exenv local ${version}, you are telling exenv to set the specified Elixir version as the local version for the project. This ensures that whenever you run any Elixir-related commands within the project's directory, it will use the specified Elixir version instead of the system's default version.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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