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exiftool: Remove all EXIF metadata from the given image files, then re-add metadata for color and orientation.
$ exiftool -All= -tagsfromfile @ -colorspacetags -orientation ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using a tool called exiftool to modify metadata in image files. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • exiftool: This is the executable command for exiftool, a popular tool used for reading and editing metadata of various file types, including image files.

  • -All=: This flag is used to remove all existing metadata from the image files.

  • -tagsfromfile @: This flag instructs exiftool to copy tags from other files and apply them to the specified image files. The @ symbol represents a reference to the current file being processed.

  • -colorspacetags: This flag specifies that the color space tags should also be modified or removed from the image files.

  • -orientation: This flag indicates that the orientation tag should also be modified or removed from the image files.

  • ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}: This is a placeholder representing the paths to the image files you want to process. It could contain one or more paths to the targeted image files. Make sure to replace ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---} with the actual paths to the image files you want to modify.

Overall, this command is used to remove or modify specific metadata tags, including all metadata, color space, and image orientation, from the specified image files using exiftool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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