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exit: Exit the shell with the exit code of the last command executed.
$ exit
try on your machine

The command "exit" is used to terminate or exit a program, script, or terminal session. When you execute the "exit" command, it will close the current active program or session and return you to the previous environment.

In a terminal or command prompt, running "exit" will close the terminal window or command prompt completely. This is useful when you are done working or want to close all active processes.

In a script or program, calling "exit" will terminate the execution of that script or program and return control back to the operating system. It is commonly used when a specific condition or state is met, and the program should cease running.

Overall, "exit" is a command used to gracefully exit out of a program or environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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