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expect: Enter an interactive REPL (use `exit` or Ctrl + D to exit).
$ expect -i
try on your machine

The command "expect -i" is not a complete command but a combination of two separate components: "expect" and "-i".

  1. Expect: The "expect" command is a program used to automate interactive command-line processes. It allows you to script and automate interactions with other programs, such as providing inputs, waiting for certain outputs, and making decisions based on them.

  2. -i: The "-i" is an option or flag used with the "expect" command. In this specific context, it refers to the "interactive" mode. When used, it indicates that the script is expecting an interactive session with the called program or script.

By specifying "expect -i" as a command, you are essentially initiating an interactive session with a program or script using the "expect" utility, allowing you to automate the interactions with that program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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