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explorer: Open Windows Explorer in the current directory.
$ explorer .
try on your machine

The command "explorer ." is used in the Windows operating system to open File Explorer (also known as Windows Explorer) in the current directory.

When you execute this command, it launches the File Explorer application and automatically navigates to the current directory within the graphical user interface. This allows you to browse and manage the files and folders within that directory using the File Explorer's interface.

The period (".") in the command represents the current directory. It is a placeholder that indicates the command should be executed in the current location. So, when you type "explorer ." in Command Prompt or the Run dialog box, File Explorer will open, displaying the contents of the directory you are currently in.

In summary, it is a convenient way to quickly open File Explorer at the current directory location, enabling you to explore and manage your files more easily.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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