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explorer: Open Windows Explorer in a specific directory.
$ explorer ${path\to\directory}
try on your machine

The command "explorer ${path\to\directory}" is not a valid command syntax in any operating system or programming language.

It appears to be a placeholder or template command, where "${path\to\directory}" is meant to represent the actual path or directory you want to open in the file explorer. However, it uses an incorrect syntax with mixed characters like "$", "\", and "{ }".

To open a directory in the file explorer, the command would typically differ based on the operating system:

  • In Windows:

    • The correct command to open a directory in Windows File Explorer would be "explorer C:\path\to\directory", assuming "C:\path\to\directory" is the actual path you want to open.
    • The "explorer" command is used to open Windows File Explorer, and you provide the path to the directory you want to open immediately after that.
  • In macOS:

    • To open a directory in Finder on macOS, you can use the "open" command, like "open /path/to/directory", where "/path/to/directory" is the actual path you want to open.
    • The "open" command opens the specified file or directory in the default application, which is Finder for directories on macOS.
  • In Linux:

    • In most Linux distributions, you can use the "nautilus" command to open a directory in the graphical file manager.
    • The command would be "nautilus /path/to/directory", where "/path/to/directory" represents the actual path you want to open.
    • However, the file manager may vary based on your specific distribution, so the command might differ.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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