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fastd: Start a Layer 3 VPN with an MTU of 1400, loading the rest of the configuration parameters from a file.
$ fastd --mode ${tap} --mtu ${1400} --config ${path-to-fastd-conf}
try on your machine

The command fastd --mode ${tap} --mtu ${1400} --config ${path-to-fastd-conf} is using the fastd program with specific options and values to run an instance of fastd.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • fastd: This is the name of the program being executed. It is likely a VPN (Virtual Private Network) application used for secure communication between different nodes in a network.

  • --mode ${tap}: This option sets the mode of fastd to a specific value represented by the variable ${tap}. The value of ${tap} determines the behavior or role of the fastd instance. Without knowing the specific value of ${tap}, it's hard to provide further details on this option. It could represent a server mode, client mode, or a specific configuration.

  • --mtu ${1400}: This option sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for the fastd instance. The MTU determines the maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted over the network. In this case, the MTU is set to 1400 bytes using the value represented by the variable ${1400}.

  • --config ${path-to-fastd-conf}: This option specifies the configuration file that determines the behavior, settings, and key information required by the fastd instance. The value of ${path-to-fastd-conf} represents the path to the specific configuration file for the fastd instance being run.

Overall, this command starts a fastd instance using specific mode, MTU, and configuration options provided. The exact behavior and purpose are influenced by the values of the variables ${tap}, ${1400}, and ${path-to-fastd-conf}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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