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List of commands for fastmod:

  • fastmod:tldr:0ac48 fastmod: Replace for an exact string without prompt for a confirmation, printing changed files.
    $ fastmod --accept-all --print-changed-files --fixed-strings ${exact_string} ${replacement}
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  • fastmod:tldr:2033d fastmod: Replace for an exact string without prompt for a confirmation (disables regular expressions).
    $ fastmod --accept-all --fixed-strings ${exact_string} ${replacement}
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  • fastmod:tldr:378ec fastmod: Replace for an exact string in .js or .json files.
    $ fastmod --fixed-strings ${exact_string} ${replacement} --extensions ${json,js}
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  • fastmod:tldr:93ee4 fastmod: Replace a regex pattern in all files of the current directory, ignoring files on .ignore and .gitignore.
    $ fastmod ${regex_pattern} ${replacement}
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  • fastmod:tldr:9ab27 fastmod: Replace a regex pattern in a specific directory in files filtered with a case-insensitive glob pattern.
    $ fastmod ${regex} ${replacement} --dir ${path-to-directory} --iglob ${'**-*-{js,json}'}
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