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fdroid: Check if the metadata is formatted correctly.
$ fdroid lint --format ${app_id}
try on your machine

The command fdroid lint --format ${app_id} is a command that belongs to the F-Droid command-line tool. This command is typically used to analyze the code of an Android application (app) and provide a report on any potential problems or issues found.

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • fdroid: This is the command itself, which is the entry point to the F-Droid command-line tool.
  • lint: This is a subcommand of fdroid and specifies that we want to run the lint tool, which is responsible for checking the code quality of Android applications.
  • --format: This is an option flag that allows us to define the format of the output generated by the lint tool.
  • ${app_id}: This is a placeholder for the actual Android application's package name or ID. The command expects you to replace ${app_id} with the specific package name or ID of the app you want to analyze. This helps to specify which app's code should be analyzed by the lint tool.

By running this command with the appropriate app ID, you can retrieve a lint report in the specified format, which can be useful for identifying and resolving potential issues in an Android application's codebase.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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