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feroxbuster: Filter by a specific status code and a number of chars.
$ feroxbuster --url "${https:--example-com}" --filter-status ${301} --filter-size ${4092}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the tool "feroxbuster" to perform some tasks with specific configurations.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  1. feroxbuster: This is the command used to run the "feroxbuster" tool.

  2. --url "${https:--example-com}": This parameter sets the target URL to be scanned by "feroxbuster". In this case, it seems to be set to "". The URL is enclosed within quotation marks and preceded by a $ sign to escape and prevent any shell interpretation of special characters.

  3. --filter-status ${301}: This option filters the responses by their status code. In this case, it filters out responses with a status code of 301 (which typically represents a permanent redirect). Again, the value is enclosed in ${} to pass it as an argument.

  4. --filter-size ${4092}: This configures "feroxbuster" to filter responses based on their size. Specifically, it filters out responses that have a size of 4092 bytes. The ${} syntax is used to pass this value as an argument.

Overall, this command instructs "feroxbuster" to scan the provided URL, filter responses with a status code of 301, and discard responses with a size of 4092 bytes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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