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ffuf: Fuzz GET parameter on a target website and [f]ilter out message [s]ize response of 4242 bytes.
$ ffuf -w ${path-to-param_names-txt} -u ${https:--target-script-php?FUZZ=test_value} -fs ${4242}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the tool "ffuf" with the following options:

  • -w ${path-to-param_names-txt}: This specifies the path to a text file (param_names.txt) containing a list of parameter names to be used for fuzzing. Fuzzing is a technique used to test web applications by sending various inputs to parameters to identify vulnerabilities or unexpected behavior.

  • -u ${https:--target-script-php?FUZZ=test_value}: This option sets the target URL for fuzzing. It contains a placeholder (FUZZ) that will be replaced with the values from the parameter names file. In this case, it targets a script (target-script.php), and the value test_value is used for the FUZZ parameter.

  • -fs ${4242}: This sets the fuzzing mode to filter responses by their size. It will only show the responses whose size matches the specified value (4242 in this case). This can be useful in finding potential vulnerabilities or differences in responses.

Overall, this command is using "ffuf" to perform fuzzing on a target web application by replacing the FUZZ parameter with values from a file and filtering responses based on their size.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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