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ffuf: Fuzz POST method with POST [d]ata of password on a target website and [f]ilter out HTTP response [c]ode 401.
$ ffuf -w ${path-to-postdata-txt} -X ${POST} -d "${username=admin\&password=FUZZ}" -u ${https:--target-login-php} -fc ${401}
try on your machine

This command is using a tool called "ffuf" (Fast Web Fuzzer) for fuzzing web applications. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • ffuf is the name of the command or executable being executed.
  • -w ${path-to-postdata-txt} specifies the path to a text file containing the data to be sent as POST request payload (postdata).
  • -X ${POST} indicates that the HTTP method for the request is POST.
  • -d "${username=admin\&password=FUZZ}" specifies the data to be fuzzed in the POST request payload. Here, username=admin is a fixed value, while password=FUZZ will be replaced with different values during the fuzzing process.
  • -u ${https:--target-login-php} specifies the target URL to fuzz. It points to the login page ("/login.php") of the target website using the HTTPS protocol.
  • -fc ${401} instructs the fuzzer to mark any HTTP response with a status code of 401 (Unauthorized) as a match. The fuzzer is trying to identify potential vulnerabilities where the login page is not properly secured and can be bypassed.

Overall, this command uses "ffuf" to fuzz the POST request payload on the target login page, replacing the "password" parameter with different values, and identifying any potential unauthorized access vulnerabilities (401 response codes).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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