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ffuf: Discover directories using a [w]ordlist on a target [u]rl with [c]olorized and [v]erbose output.
$ ffuf -w ${path-to-wordlist} -u ${https:--target-FUZZ} -c -v
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This command is using a tool called ffuf to perform a web directory and file enumeration. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • ffuf: This is the command-line tool that will be executed.

  • -w ${path-to-wordlist}: This option specifies the path to the wordlist file that will be used for fuzzing. A wordlist is a list of potential words or strings that will be used to substitute the "FUZZ" keyword in the URL.

  • -u ${https:--target-FUZZ}: This option specifies the target URL that will be fuzzed. The "FUZZ" keyword will be replaced with words from the wordlist file. It seems like the target URL starts with "https://" and is followed by "-target-FUZZ". The "FUZZ" keyword will be dynamically replaced by each word from the wordlist.

  • -c: This option enables the colorized output in the terminal, making it easier to read.

  • -v: This option enables verbose mode, which provides more detailed information during the execution of the command.

In summary, this command runs the ffuf tool with a provided wordlist file to fuzz a target URL by replacing the "FUZZ" keyword in the URL with words from the wordlist. It will display verbose output with colorized results.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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