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fg: Bring most recently suspended or running background job to foreground.
$ fg
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The "fg" command is used in the command line interface of an operating system to bring a background process to the foreground. When a process is running in the background, it means that it is not currently visible or interactive with the user.

By using the "fg" command, you can bring a background process to the foreground so that it becomes the active process and you can interact with it. This is typically useful when you have multiple processes running simultaneously, and you want to switch back to a specific process to see its output or provide input.

To use the "fg" command, you typically type "fg" followed by the process ID (PID) or job number of the background process. The PID or job number identifies a specific process that is currently running in the background.

For example, if you have a background process with a PID of 12345, you would type:

fg 12345

After running this command, the specified background process will be brought to the foreground, and you will be able to see and interact with it directly on the command line.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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