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file-rename: Force renaming even if the operation would remove existing destination files.
$ rename -f ${'s-foo-bar-'} ${*}
try on your machine

The command you provided is:

rename -f ${'s-foo-bar-'} ${*}

This command uses the rename utility to rename multiple files at once.

Here is the breakdown of the different elements in the command:

  • rename: It is the command to rename files.
  • -f: It is an option that forces the renaming process without asking for confirmation.
  • ${'s-foo-bar-'}: This is the first argument or parameter passed to rename. It specifies the pattern to search for in the filenames to be renamed. In this case, it is 's-foo-bar-', which means that any occurrence of "foo" should be replaced with "bar" in the filenames.
  • ${*}: This is the second argument or parameter of the command. It represents all the filenames that should be renamed, typically passed as command-line arguments using wildcards (*). It specifies the files on which the rename pattern should be applied.

By executing this command, the rename utility will search for any occurrences of "foo" in the filenames specified by ${*} and replace them with "bar". The -f option ensures that the renaming happens without asking for confirmation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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