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finch: Start resizing a window, use arrow keys to resize, press escape when done.
$ alt + r
try on your machine

The command "alt + r" typically refers to pressing the "alt" key on your keyboard at the same time as the "r" key. However, the functionality or result of this command can vary depending on the context or the application you are using.

In general, keyboard shortcuts like "alt + r" are used to execute specific actions or commands quickly. They often provide an alternative way to perform a task without using the mouse or navigating through menus.

To fully understand the meaning and purpose of the "alt + r" command, it's essential to consider the specific software or environment you are using. For example, in various applications, "alt + r" could be used to refresh a webpage, resize a window, or open a specific function or menu specific to that software.

Therefore, it's crucial to refer to the software's documentation or preferences to determine the precise functionality of the "alt + r" command in that particular context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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