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$ alt + ${number_key}
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The command "alt + ${number_key}" refers to pressing the 'Alt' key on the keyboard simultaneously with a number key. The specific number key is represented by "${number_key}".

By pressing 'Alt' and a number key together, you can activate certain functions or shortcuts depending on the software or application you are using. The function associated with this command may vary depending on the context, but it is commonly used to access menu options or keyboard shortcuts in many programs.

For example, in web browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, pressing "Alt + 1" typically selects the first tab on the tab bar, while "Alt + 2" selects the second tab, and so on. In some software applications, this command could be used to trigger specific menu options, such as quickly accessing the File, Edit, or Help menus.

Overall, "alt + ${number_key}" is a keyboard shortcut that combines the 'Alt' key with a numeric key to perform a particular action or function in various programs or applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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