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find: Find files matching a given size range, limiting the recursive depth to "1":.
$ find ${root_path} -maxdepth 1 -size ${+500k} -size ${-10M}
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This command is used to search for files or directories within the specified ${root_path} that meet certain size criteria.

  • find: This is the command itself that is used to locate files or directories.
  • ${root_path}: This is a variable representing the root or starting directory where the search will begin.
  • -maxdepth 1: This option limits the depth of the search to only the files or directories within the root path. It prevents the search from going deeper into subdirectories.
  • -size ${+500k}: This option is used to find files or directories with a size larger than 500 kilobytes. The + sign indicates sizes greater than the specified size.
  • -size ${-10M}: This option is used to find files or directories with a size smaller than 10 megabytes. The - sign indicates sizes smaller than the specified size.

Overall, this command will search for files or directories within the ${root_path} directory that have a size larger than 500 kilobytes but smaller than 10 megabytes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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