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find: Display line numbers with the list of lines.
$ find "${string}" ${path\to\file_or_directory} /n
try on your machine

The command you provided is as follows:

find "${string}" ${path\to\file_or_directory} /n

Here is the breakdown of each component:

  1. find: This is the command used to search for files and directories.

  2. "${string}": The ${string} is a variable that represents the string or pattern you want to search for within the files and directories. It should be enclosed in double quotes " to ensure any special characters or spaces in the string are correctly interpreted.

  3. ${path\to\file_or_directory}: This is another variable (${path\to\file_or_directory}) representing the path to the file or directory you want to search within. It can be a specific file or a directory. The actual path should be substituted in the command.

  4. /n: This is an option flag used with the find command, specifying that line numbers should be printed along with the search results. It helps in identifying the exact location of a matched string within a file.

By running this command, you will search for the provided ${string} within the specified ${path\to\file_or_directory} and get the output with line numbers indicating the occurrences of the string within each file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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