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find: Find empty (0 byte) files and delete them.
$ find ${root_path} -type ${f} -empty -delete
try on your machine

This command is a combination of several functions that can be used in the Linux command line.

  1. find: This is the main command used to search for files and directories in a given location.

  2. ${root_path}: This is a placeholder for the directory path where the search operation will be performed. Replace ${root_path} with the actual directory path you want to search in.

  3. -type ${f}: This is an option used to specify the type of item to search for. ${f} is a placeholder for the item type you want to search for. For example, if you want to search for files, you would replace ${f} with f.

  4. -empty: This is another option used with the find command. It specifies that only empty files or directories should be considered in the search.

  5. -delete: This option is used to delete the files or directories that match the search criteria.

So, when you run the command find ${root_path} -type ${f} -empty -delete, it will search for all empty files or directories in the specified ${root_path} and delete them. Remember to replace ${root_path} and ${f} with the actual values you want to use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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