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findmnt: Find filesystems in specific type.
$ findmnt -t ${ext4}
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The command "findmnt -t ${ext4}" is used to find and display information about mounted file systems that use the "ext4" file system type.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "findmnt" is the command itself. It is used to find and display mount points and other information about mounted file systems on a Linux system.

  • "-t" is an option that allows you to specify the file system type you want to search for. In this case, the file system type is specified as "${ext4}". The use of "${ext4}" implies that the value of the variable "ext4" is substituted in place of "${ext4}".

  • "${ext4}" is a variable representing the file system type. It could be defined earlier in the script or environment with a value of "ext4". The actual file system type being searched for is "ext4", a common file system used in Linux for storing data.

By running this command, you will get a list of mounted file systems that have the "ext4" file system type, along with other details such as mount point, device, and options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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