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finger: Display the user's login name, real name, terminal name, and other information.
$ finger -s
try on your machine

The "finger" command in a Unix-based operating system is used to gather information about users on a particular system. The "-s" option, when added to the command, is used to display additional information about each user.

When you execute the "finger -s" command, it will display the following information for each user:

  1. Login Name: The username or login ID of the user.
  2. Name: The full name of the user.
  3. Tty: The terminal device or session associated with the user.
  4. Idle: The duration of time since the user last did any activity.
  5. Login Time: The time at which the user logged in.
  6. Office: The office location of the user (if provided).
  7. Office Phone: The phone number of the user's office (if provided).
  8. Home Phone: The phone number of the user's residence (if provided).
  9. Mail: The email address of the user.
  10. Plan: The plan or status message set by the user (usually used to provide additional information or contact details).

The information displayed by this command can be useful for system administrators who want to check the status, activity, and contact details of users on the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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