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finger: Produce multiline output format displaying same information as `-s` as well as user's home directory, home phone number, login shell, mail status, etc..
$ finger -l
try on your machine

The finger -l command is used to display detailed information about the currently logged-in users on a Unix-like operating system. Here is a breakdown of each of its components:

  • finger: It is the command used to perform a lookup and retrieve information about users.
  • -l (or --long): It is an option that instructs the finger command to display an extended set of details about each user.

By invoking finger -l, the command will provide a list of logged-in users along with additional information like their username, real name, their terminal device or location where they are connected from, the date and time of their login, idle time (time since last keyboard or mouse activity), and their login shell. This detailed output allows system administrators to gain insights about users' activities and status.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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