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fish: Start an interactive shell session without loading startup configs.
$ fish --no-config
try on your machine

The "fish --no-config" command is used to launch the Fish shell without loading any configuration files.

When Fish is started normally, it reads configuration files such as the "" file located in the ~/.config/fish/ directory or system-wide configurations. These files contain custom settings, environment variables, aliases, and functions that customize the Fish shell for the user.

By using the "--no-config" flag, the Fish shell starts without reading any of these configuration files. This option is useful in scenarios where you suspect that certain configurations might be causing issues or conflicts.

By launching Fish with "--no-config", you essentially start with a clean, default environment, allowing you to troubleshoot problems or experiment with new configurations without any interference from previously set configurations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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