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List of commands for flake8:

  • flake8:tldr:57362 flake8: Lint a file or directory recursively but exclude files matching the given globs or substrings.
    $ flake8 --exclude ${substring1,glob2} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • flake8:tldr:aacc8 flake8: Lint a file or directory recursively and ignore a list of rules. (All available rules can be found at
    $ flake8 --ignore ${rule1,rule2} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • flake8:tldr:d3df4 flake8: Lint a file or directory recursively and show the line on which each error occurred.
    $ flake8 --show-source ${filename_or_directory}
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  • flake8:tldr:ee612 flake8: Lint a file or directory recursively.
    $ flake8 ${filename_or_directory}
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