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flameshot: Create a screenshot and print it to the standard output.
$ flameshot gui --raw
try on your machine

The command "flameshot gui --raw" launches the Flameshot application with the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and includes the "--raw" option.

Flameshot is a powerful screenshot tool for Linux systems. When you execute the "flameshot gui" command, it opens the Flameshot application window, allowing you to capture screenshots. The GUI provides a user-friendly interface with various options to annotate, highlight, crop, and save the screenshots.

The "--raw" option, when used with the "flameshot gui" command, captures the screenshot without any modifications. It means that the screenshot will be saved exactly as it appears on the screen, without any additional additions or edits made by Flameshot. This can be useful when you want to capture a screenshot as-is, without any annotations or modifications applied by Flameshot.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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