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flatpak: Remove all unused applications.
$ flatpak remove --unused
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The command "flatpak remove --unused" is used to remove Flatpak application runtimes and extensions that are no longer in use by any installed application.

Flatpak is a software package management system for Linux that provides a way to distribute and package applications. It uses sandboxing techniques to isolate applications and their dependencies from the rest of the system.

When you install and run Flatpak applications, they require certain runtime libraries and extensions to function properly. Over time, as applications are installed, updated, or uninstalled, some of these runtimes and extensions may become redundant or unused.

The "--unused" flag in the command specifies that only the runtimes and extensions that are not being used by any installed application should be removed. This helps to optimize disk space and organize the Flatpak environment.

By running this command, you can safely remove any unused runtimes and extensions associated with Flatpak applications, thereby freeing up disk space and potentially improving system performance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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