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flips: Create a patch from two ROMs.
$ flips --create ${rom-smc} ${hack-smc} ${patch-bps}
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The command "flips --create ${rom-smc} ${hack-smc} ${patch-bps}" is likely used in the context of patching or modifying a video game ROM file.

Here's a breakdown of the command's components:

  • flips: This is the name of the executable or program that is being run. It could be a custom program or a part of a larger suite of tools.

  • --create: This is a flag or argument that tells the flips program to create a new patch file.

  • ${rom-smc}: This is a placeholder or variable representing the original game ROM file. The actual filename would be provided when executing the command. It could be something like "game.smc".

  • ${hack-smc}: This is another placeholder or variable representing the modified game ROM file that incorporates the desired changes or hacks. Again, the actual filename would be provided when executing the command.

  • ${patch-bps}: This is the final placeholder or variable representing the name of the output patch file that will be created. It could be something like "patch.bps". The patch file is a binary file that contains the specific changes needed to transform the original ROM into the modified version.

When the command is executed with the appropriate filenames, the flips program will compare the original and modified ROM files and generate a patch file that only includes the changes made. This patch file can then be applied to the original ROM by another program like "flips --apply" to create the modified version of the game.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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